I want to take a moment to try and encourage you not to hack or deface this site. I know this is a lofty request, so I am going to approach it from a few angles.
Appeal to your humanity (version 1):
A lot of people have put a piece of themselves into this site. Whether it’s the thousands of people who have signed the pledge, or the much smaller number of us who are working behind the scenes to keep it running. This matters to us. It’s precious. But more than anything else, we are all united here because we’re trying to be better people to other people, specifically the gaming minority.
When you deface the site, it’s like you’re defacing each one of us. Some of us like our faces. When you hack the database and delete signatures, you’re taking away the voice of thousands of people. All of us like our voices.
Appeal to your humanity (version 2):
Imagine you made a huge house of cards that you spent hours and hours making and you were super proud of it and you showed your friends and they were all like “ooo! pretty!” and then they added their own cards to make it bigger and then some jerk came up and started flinging shit — literally, pooping and throwing it — at the tower.
Don’t shit on our house, please.
Appeal to your logic (version 1):
What if — and just take a leap of faith with me for a second — instead of hacking the site, you sent us an email instead? You’re probably opposed to what you think we’re doing here, so why not specifically voice your concern? You’re likely part of our community, in one way or another, so why not state your case and see what we do about it first? Only one person has done that so far, and you might be surprised by what happened.
We’re here for all gamers.
Appeal to your logic (version 2):
Take a look at the evidence, and you’ll realize that in the long run hacking/defacing the site doesn’t help your cause, assuming your cause is to stop ours. Sure, it’s set us back a bit, and it’s annoying, but in the biggest picture of all you’re drawing more attention to something you’re trying to silence. Life doesn’t work that way. The only way it would work is if we gave up.
We’re not going to give up.
Anything I’m missing?
I could beg, explain this doesn’t have to be an Us VS You situation, beg, or even consider begging (please please please don’t hack the site!). If you’ve gotten this far and the thought in your mind is still something like GAB IS BAD MUST DESTROY GAB, odds are I can’t convince you otherwise. But maybe someone in the comments can. Read through those, converse, and see what happens.
Or, I suppose, you could just hack the site. But please don’t.
Gamers Against Bigotry